Mission, Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

Program Mission

十大网赌信誉平台的食品和营养项目将开发一门课程,使毕业生能够积极参与不断变化的食品环境, 在营养教育过程中, 并在医疗保健系统中按照最高标准的客户服务和职业道德.

营养与营养学专业(UFND)和营养与营养学教育4+1专业(UNF4)(营养学教学课程)提供学术课程,为学生准备被ACEND(营养与营养学教育认证委员会)认可的DI接受,成为注册营养师或进入研究生课程, or to pursue a career in a food, nutrition or related field.

营养学协调计划的使命是整合学术和监督实践课程,使毕业生成为入门级注册营养师和营养学家. 该计划符合学术和经验要求,使毕业生有资格参加国家营养师注册考试,并在适用的情况下成为国家许可的营养师. 

Program Goals: Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD)

Goal #1 -项目毕业生将成为称职的员工, 满足营养和营养学领域就业需求的入门级专业人员.

  1. 至少80%的学生在6年内完成课程要求(计划课程长度的150%).
  2. 至少50%的课程毕业生在毕业前或毕业后12个月内申请进入有监督的实习项目.
  3. Of program graduates who apply to a supervised practice program, at least 50 percent are admitted within 12 months of graduation.
  4. 该计划的一年通过率(毕业生在第一次尝试的一年内通过注册考试)在CDR营养师资格考试中至少为80%。.


Goal #2 -课程毕业生将准备在各种营养和营养学设置工作

  1. 在雇主调查问卷中,当被要求评价毕业生对营养学入门级职位的准备情况时,80%的雇主会给出3分或更高的答案.
  2. 当被要求评价毕业生对DI的准备时,80%的饮食实习主任在DI主任问卷中回答3或更高.
  3. 课程毕业后12个月内, at least 80% of program graduates are employed in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Six Learning Goals for Food and Nutrition Majors

1. 社区:学生将能够解释和应用营养概念来评估和改善社区的营养健康.
2. 医学营养治疗(MNT):学生将能够解释和应用营养概念来评估和改善个人的营养健康与医疗条件
3. 食品:学生将能够识别并将食品原理应用于食品和营养系统
4. 教育/沟通:学生将能够展示以信息技术为重点的营养和食品教育的各种沟通策略
5. Management: Students will be able to apply management principles to evaluate human, physical and fiscal resources in organizations
6. 专业问题:学生将能够将食品和营养方面的知识和技能与影响营养和/或营养学领域的专业问题相结合.

Learning Goals with Specific Learning Outcomes

1. 社区:学生将能够解释和应用营养概念来评估和改善社区的营养健康.

a. 确定并将营养需求转化为个人和群体在整个生命周期中的菜单, 在不同的文化和宗教中, 针对不同的收入水平.
b. Plan a community intervention based upon a needs assessment
c. Advocate for a public policy related to nutrition programs or health care

2. 医学营养治疗:学生将能够解释和应用营养概念来评估和改善个人的营养健康与医疗条件

a. 将生物学、生物化学和生理学的科学原理应用于营养实践
b. Interpret of medical terminology and laboratory parameters relating to nutrition
c. 解释科学研究,将其应用于营养实践,并记录干预措施
d. 针对健康促进/疾病预防活动所涉及的健康状况或一般人群中不复杂的慢性病情况,计算和/或确定饮食
e. Collect pertinent information for comprehensive nutrition assessments
f. Determine medical nutrition therapy for a variety of advanced medical conditions. (CPD, DPD only)

3. 食品:学生将能够识别并将食品原理应用于食品和营养系统

a. Calculate and interpret nutrient composition of foods
b. Apply scientific research, including microbiology, food science and food safety to functions of ingredients in food and process controls
c. 展示基本的食品准备,数量食品生产和食品展示技巧
d. Modify recipes and recipe proportions for individual, group dietary and volume production
e. 总结健康促进和疾病预防的理论和指南,并解释食物在促进健康生活方式中的作用
f. Analyze foodservice operations using the foodservice systems approach

4. 教育/传播:学生将能够展示以信息技术为重点的营养和食品教育的各种传播策略

a. Produce oral and written communications for a group education session
b. 采访个人的饮食史
c. Counsel individuals

5. Management: Students will be able to apply management principles to evaluate human, physical and fiscal resources in organizations

a. Apply principles and theories of management to the administration of human, physical and financial resource in food and nutrition services
b. Apply management concepts to personnel selection, training, evaluation, organizational behavior, governmental influences, labor management relations, marketing and budgeting through case studies and the development of a business plan.

6. 专业问题-学生将能够将食品和营养方面的知识和技能与影响营养和/或营养学领域的专业问题相结合

a. Develop a position on a public policy affecting nutrition and food issues and/or programs
b. Utilize outcomes based research and statistics to interpret a nutrition issue
c. Explain health care policy and systems as related to food and nutrition health
d. Describe issues related to third party reimbursement for nutrition care

营养学协调项目和营养学教学项目的项目学习成果数据可根据要求提供 系主任和/或教学项目主任或营养学协调项目主任.